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Talking about myself

Talking about myself

  nice to meet you.now let me tell you something about myself.i"am a student.my name is lijinsweet.i am fifteen .my birthday is on the 2nd of august.i like to run and play basketball.my favourite food is ice-cream.i hope i wil be an engineer.i live in zhongshan city.there are many tall building in the city.you can see trees and flowers everywhere.my family lives in yongbian street.our house is near the school.i go to yongbian primary school.my school likes a beautiful garden.there is a small library in our school.there are a lot of books in the library.we can borrow books there.we can keep the books for two weeks.we can study there too.we like our library very much.

  i"am in class two,grade six.there are thirty student in our class.they are so friendly and kindly.i like them very much.

  from minday to friday.i must go to school.iget up at six thirty every morning.then i make my bed and wash my face.i have breakfast at seven o"clock.i have congee and bread for breakfast.

  at seven thirty.i go to school.i have four classes in the morning.at twelve o"clock.we have lunch at home.i like chicken and egg.in the afternoon.we go home at five o"clock.i do my homework after school.my father is a worker,he works in a factory.he is a good worker and a good cook.my mother is a farmer,she works very hard.i love them very much.

  when i grow up.i want to be an engineer.i will build a house for my parents.we will live together.i wil build a garden near the house.i will grow flowers and trees in the garden.i will build a lake next to the garden.i will buy some fish in the lake.i will build a bridge abovt the lake.we will walk in the bridge.i will buy a car.i will take my parents to many places.

  thank you!  

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