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unit 15 the necklace 项链
1.time is so ____________(宝贵的)that we can’t afford to waste it.
2.after years of hard work,the couple paid off all their ____________(债务)at last.
3.it’s ____________(傻的)of you to make the same mistake again.
4.slowly but ____________(无疑地),the company is becoming successful again.
5.if he ____________(继续)stealing,he’ll end up in prison sooner or later.
6.i don’t like the colour of the coat;____________(此外),it’s too expensive.
7.everyone can greatly improve the ______________(质量)of life in modern times.
8.the meeting will be ______________(参加)by finance ministers from many countries.
(1)it was a small book ____________ how to cut the death rate  from having and caring for babies.
(2)they hope that they can find an ____________ for the attacks.
(1)i decided to send my invention to the patent office to get ____________ for my successful idea.
(2)even when they wore sunglasses or beards people __________ them.
1.________________   访问;号召;邀请
2.________________  拿回来;使恢复
3.________________  还清(债务等);付清
4.________________  把……表演出来;把……付诸行动
5.________________  充当;担任
6.________________  日日夜夜地
7.________________  至多
8.________________  试穿
9.________________  在……中扮演角色(起作用)
10.________________  提出/想出(计划、办法等)
1.call on 2.bring back 3.pay off 4.act out 5.act as 6.day and night 7.at most 8.try on 9.play a role in 10.come up with
1.pierre and i ____________ a very good time at the ball.
2.i’m sorry,but i ____________ i know you.
3.years of hard work,very little food,only a small cold room ____________ and never,never a moment’s rest.
4.i was ____________ in my office who ____________.i’ve written to accept the invitation.
1.did have 2.don’t think 3.to live in 4.the only person;was invited
1recognise(recognize) vt. 识别;认出;承认
【教材原句】(p17)sorry,i didn’t recognise you.
①(朗文p1705)we hadn’t seen each other in thirty years,but i recognized her right away.
②(朗文p1705)our record shows that we recognize how important safety is.
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