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英语:高一 Unit 14 Festival知识例析


英语:高一 Unit 14 Festival知识例析

 英语:高一 unit 14 festival知识例析
1._______ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.
a.when compared     b.compare     c.while comparing     d.comparing
析  前后句子没有连词连接,后一句是个完整的句子,说明前一句是非谓语动词短语作状语,compare没带自己的逻辑主语,所以和主句的主语是同一主语,它们之间是被动关系,因此用被动形式,选a。
2. he sees very badly; he _______ wear glasses all the time.
a.may      b.must       c.can       d.has to
析 由第一句话所设语境,说明戴眼镜是他不得已的,无可奈何与他的主观意志无关,是客观的情况——“眼睛不好使”让他不得不戴上眼镜,只有d项强调客观需要,答案为d。分清have to与must的用法区别,结合语境解题。
3. to do well on the test, _______.
a.the four choices should be looked at carefully before you make a choice
b.don’t answer anything before a careful look at the four choices
c.before you choose an answer, carefully look at the four choices
d.look at the four choices carefully before choosing an answer
析 写一个句子时应十分注意整句的逻辑关系,不仅介词,动名词,不定式的逻辑主语要与主句保持一致,而且复合句中的逻辑关系也不能颠倒。这例中句子的起始为一祈使句。正确答案为d。
4 —you seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.
—no exactly so. it was his courage _______ his skill that really struck me most.
a.rather than     b.as well as      c.but also      d.not as
析 句意为“——你看起来被他的技术打动了。——不完全这样,除了他的技术,还有他的能力,那才是最打动我的。”从整个句意中可知,说话者强调的是his courage。答案为b。as well as除了……还有……,as well as也可表示为“……和……身体一样好”或“……和……一样好”。
5. michael _______ be a policeman, for he is much too short.
a.needn’t    b.can’t      c.should       d.may
析 此题意为“michael太矮小了,不可能成为警察。”can用在否定句中,表否定的推测,因此选项b为正确答案。
6.don’t you _______ this country’s future?
a.care for     b.care about     c.worry      d.take care
析 a项中care for喜欢、照顾;c项worry担心;worry about担心……,d项中take care小心、当心,只有b项“关心,担忧”符合题意。答案为b。注意care for与care about的用法区别。
7.mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class. she _______ have studied very hard.

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