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Developing and Developed Countries


Developing and Developed Countries

teaching plan
module two
developing and developed countries
teaching aims:
1. knowledge and skill
a. improve students’ ability of analyzing the given data and expressing their own opinion.
b. train the skills of scanning, fast reading and careful reading. guess the meanings of the new words according to the context.
c. learn how to use but, however and although, while. write a short passage using these link words.
d. cultivate students’ logical thinking ability by making comparison.
2.emotion and values
a. make comparison between developing and developed countries. analyze the data and have the students come to the conclusion that something must be done to help the poor.
b. to encourage the ss to be active and cooperative in the class
3. cross-cultural awareness:
a. understand the difference between developing countries and the developed country, and carry on objective analysis to this kind of difference.
b. know the development of the world as well as china, stimulate their strong desire to build their motherland a more powerful one.
4. character-building:
a. to help them know the problems some developing countries are facing and cultivate the emotion of loving and care
b. to let them know the importance of giving their hand to the poor.
difficulties and importance:
a.  how to use but, however and although, while.
b.  how to analyze the given data and express their own opinion.
c. improve the student’s ability of grasping the general idea of the passage.
teaching method:
a. task-based methodology
b. communicative approach
teaching time:
five periods:
period 1 vocabulary and speaking
everyday english
period 2 reading and vocabulary
period 3 grammar link words
       vocabulary and listening
period 4 function making comparisons
vocabulary and speaking
period 5 cultural corner
       task writing an advertisement for your hometown
teaching procedures:
period 1
step 1. warming up
look at the map of the world. and answer the following questions.
1. how many continents are there in the world?
2. do you know the meaning of the following word?
australia   france   germany   iceland
japan     norway   sweden   
the netherlands    the uk    the us

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