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inventions arrive every day. when people invent great new things, we get ideas about the future.
what will the future be like? it’s possible that we may often fly up into space! out of all the coolest inventions of the year, space ship one is thought to be the best.
space ship one is a 6-metre-long white spaceship. on june 21, , american pilot mike mclville flew it to space and back-about 100 kilomtres up into the sky.
some might say it’s not a big deal. you know, people went to the moon years ago.
well, space ship one is special because it is the first spaceship that wasn’t made by the government(政府). it was built and sent up by a private(私人的) us company.
lots of people went to travel in space. but it’s too expensive. american millionaire(百万富翁) dennis tito paid almost us $20 million to become the first space tourist to visit the international space station in .
so private companies began to think of making their own spaceship to take other tourists up into space.
the success of space ship one is a good start.
“the flight opens a new page in history, putting space within the reach of ordinary people,” said patti smith, an official at us federal aviation administration(联邦航空管理局).
in the next 10 to 15 years, if you pay $20,000 to $100,000 you could fly high above the earth.
what about having your own spaceship in your garage(车库) and taking it to space at the weekend.
1. of all the coolest inventions from which people can get ideas about the future of the year, space ship one was chosen as the best one.
2. from the passage, we know that only few people have the right to build the spaceship.
3. if you want to fly to the international space station, you’d better keep healthy and eat more food.
4. people would know things well about the space since 1960.
5. the successful flight of space ship one opens a new page in history, because it puts space near to the ordinary people.

department stores (百货商店) in the united states are very large. they are called department stores because they have many different departments. for example, you can buy dresses, blouses and skirts in the women’s clothing department. you can buy suits, shirts and ties in men’s clothing department. parents can buy clothing for their children in the children’s clothing department. and shoes, boots, and sneakers (运动鞋) are in the shoe department.
most department stores have tvs and radios in their home entertainment departments. some stores also have appliance (器具) departments. you can buy refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, and other appliances there.

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