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 now they are at the airport. “how will our suitcases (小提箱) get to london?” peter asks. mom says,“they put them into the bottom of the plane. they fly with you.”
   the flight attendant (飞机乘务员) shows them to their seats. wendy has a window seat, and peter is to him. both of them put on their seat belts. the flight attendant shows them what to do if there is an emergency (紧急情况). then it is time to take off.
    4. in the 1960s, some countries cared a lot about the moon. they had a dream: to be the first country to put a man on the moon. american and russia were part of this “space race.” they spent a lot of time and money on it. the first man in space was yuri gagarin, a russian. that was in 1961. years later, in 1969, an american space ship flew to the moon. neil armstrong walked out. he was the first man on the moon.
    5. i need an assistant (male or female) who supports me in a wide range of fields, like economic topics, business- and labor law, translation, the person should know how to deal with public authorities and of course he or she is good at both english and chinese.

a. assistant wanted
b. race to the moon
c. job wanted
d. the first man on the moon
e. first plane trip
f. it’s good to walk

1. beijing is to provide the homeless with food, warm clothes and shelter to help them survive the winter, according to the city's rescue administration. all the 19 rescue centres in the city are open to the homeless, providing shelter and other necessities. food and clothes will also be handed out to those who are reluctant to come to the rescue centres.
    2. beijing expects to close down 83 coalmines in its year-end coalmine safety rectification drive, according to the beijing mine safety supervision bureau. the city will also set up a coalmine safety system which will demand coalmine directors and managers go down shafts in shifts to ensure safe production and reduce the chances of accidents. the new regulation will be issued next year. violators will be fined 30,000 yuan (us$3,750) to 150,000 yuan (us$1,875).
    3. china's first on-line musical classroom was launched in beijing with lu siqing, a well-known chinese violinist, giving the first lesson. lu, nicknamed the "paganini of the east," will give lessons and exchange ideas with his fans in his "personal on-line concert hall." the website, which can be found at , will provide lessons, teaching resources and give musicians a opportunity to be heard. lu will also share some of his unreleased works.

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