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  a. see, has happened        b. see, happens
  c, be seen , is happened      d. be seen , is happening
25. what makes you ________ it is going to rain tomorrow ?
  a. to think    b. thought   c. think    d. thinking
26. ----is there a new factory near here ?
   ----yes, it _________ only a few months ago .
  a. is found     b, was found    c. was founded    d. would be founded
27. today , the forests have almost gone , people must _______ down many trees .
  a. stop to cut       b. stop from cutting  
 c. be stopped to cut   d. be stopped from cutting
28. ---your sweater looks nice, is it ______ wool ?
   ----yes, and it is _______ inner mongolia .
 a. made of  , made by       b. made of ; made in    
c. made by , made for        d. made by , made from
29. you may go fishing if your work ________.
 a. is done    b. will be done    c. has done   d. have done
30. ----what do you think of the football match yesterday ?
   ----well , it ‘s surprising , the strongest team of our school ______.
a. was beaten    b. won    c. scored     d. was failed
31. a man ______ himself mr know-all died of cancer last night .
a. to call    b. called    c. calling   d. of calling
32. the letter is _______ in french . i can not read it .
  a. writing    b. written    c. wrote   d. writes
33. the children are often asked ______ loudly in the library , they must keep quiet .
  a.. to speak    b. not to speak   c. don’t speak   d. not speak
34. we are often told ________ at people who are in trouble .
  a. not to smile     b. to smile    c. not to laugh     d. to laugh
35. a talk on english study ______ by smith this friday .
  a. will give   b. will be given    c. gives    d. were given
36. the river smells terrible . we must _______ people from _________ dirty things into it .
  a. stop , throw         b. stop ,throwing  
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