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module 1

2. be full of     充满…的                  3. have to do sth   不得不做某事   

4. stay with sb  和某人在一起              5. forms of transport  交通工具  transport 是不可数名词

6. fly back to       飞回                  7. the busiest season  最繁忙的季节

10. go sightseeing   去观光               11. have quite a good time  玩得相当高兴

12. take a tour by coach 乘坐公交旅行      13. go for a long walk走了很长一段路

17. plenty of fun things  大量的趣事       18. the visit to  去……的参观      

19. the school leavers’ party 学校毕业晚会  21. the summer palace  颐和园      

22. a number of, many, few, a few +可数名词

a great deal of, much, little, a little +不可数名词  plenty of = lots of = a lot of +可数名词 / 不可数名词

23. dream about = dream of 梦到  后接名词或v-ing      24. set off 出发,动身

25. push away 推开 (遇代放中)             26. with tears in his eyes  with + 名词 + 介词短语 

27. while 然而,当…的时候                28. with interest 带有兴趣        

28. have a long way to go 有很长一段路要去

29. a man wearing glasses = a man with glasses 一个带着眼镜的男人  wearing现在分词做定语

30. have my seat = take my seat 坐我的座位       31. even if = even though 即使,尽管

32. far away 很遥远  与from连用                 33. carry sth  提 / 拿 / 载某物

35. the speed of sound 声的速度    the speed of light 光的速度

module 2

5. neither 两者都不   either两者任何一个    both 两者都    neither 不与否定词连用

  neither / either + 单数 ,谓语动词用单数   neither … nor… 既不…也不

   either … or… 或者…或者…      both … and … …和…两者都

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