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  ● ceremony, and also extremely humane (xunzi)

  ● not tony, no to legislation (the analects of confucius)

  ● etiquette weeks almighty make concessions to avoid trouble (joinet bell)

  ● the greater title, the more complex rituals (tennyson)

  ● life is short, but nevertheless, people still have time to observe etiquette (love xian health)

  ● if the ritual is higher than the moon, the result will lose the trust of people in good faith (bacon)

  ● rituals are in his virtue above all other kinds of ornaments to add a layer of algae enable them to him with the effectiveness of access to all go to him and near him the people's respect and goodwill (lockerbie)

  ● held a grand funeral, mourning the dead are not so much as it is in order to satisfy the vanity of living persons (foucault laroche)

  ● human face has never looked so at the funeral in the secular (乔艾琪chillingworth)

  ● a person in the street to observe the activities, i believe, he will be at hope and found on board the most pleasant expression (乔斯威夫特)

  ● people are the most valued privileges, even if it is the privilege of presiding over the funeral (詹拉lowell)

  ● installed zhimin, mo at ceremony (book of filial piety)

  ● road to both germany and qi them with propriety (the analects of confucius)

  ● ceremony by the country, will be state, public order, and lee issue (zuo zhuan)

  ● ceremony, days after it, the trip also (zuo zhuan)

  ● health and people are not rude, impolite things are not, the state is not rude nanjing (xunzi)

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