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  Spring Festival is the Lunar New Year, is the most important Chinese traditional festivals.

  Spring Festival, Vientiane update, a symbol of the beginning of the year; marks another starting point of life.

  The reason why the Spring Festival is a very important festival, because through the celebration of this festival, can strengthen family ties and family. Such as eating reunion dinner, gifts to friends and relatives next year, etc., these customs are to remind people that the family in the center of society. Wherever the Chinese people live in the world, all the grand and warm celebration of this festival. The celebration of the Spring Festival, starting from the first lunar month to the lunar month fifteen, for 15 days.

  The ancient emperors to the throne, in order to show the "emperor" of the authority, often self-reliance calendar, so the New Year's Day is inconsistent. Han Wu Di to the throne, decided to rebuild the calendar, so that unity. Today, we used the calendar is the Han Emperor, after a number of dynasties revised.

  The royal family celebrated the "Spring Festival" scenes often reflect the dynasty of the strong, stable and prosperous, the country more prosperous, the more grand celebration ceremony.

  In order to receive relatives and friends come home next year, every household in the festival before the home and outside, clean and clean. Some families are still posted on the door couplets, write auspicious language, pray for good luck, harvest every year.

  Spring Festival in China's Chinese society has gradually simplified. Today we can see people to symbolize the auspicious "spring" "blessing" and other words as ornaments hanging on the door or wall, some also deliberately put these words down, it is because "down" and "to" Homophonic, that "spring", "blessing" means. Such as: the sound of firecrackers three sheep Kai Tai sheep to firecrackers bursts of troops and sighs


  Spring Festival is the traditional festival of our country. Every time the Spring Festival, people always posted couplets, paste the word, put firecrackers. You see, every household is a school of lights, beaming scene.

  Our family is no exception. I picked up a couplets, glue the glue neatly posted on the door. Dad again "bless" word down on the door. My sister is also busy in the house, she first picked up a few red lanterns, hanging in the room; again a string of small lights attached to the wall. Small lanterns flashing, like a little bit of stars are blinking.

  Eat dinner, my brother and sister together to go out to put fireworks. Brother opened the lighter, lit the fuse. Just listen to "pops" several times, a dragon straight into the sky, a beautiful "chrysanthemum" open. They are colorful, red for a while, turn yellow; a moment of green, green; a while blue, purple. A blossoming fireworks and some like a silver snake flying, and some like golden light, and some like a woman scattered flowers, and some peacock like a screen ... ... really beautiful At this time, my sister picked up a "big fireworks", flat on the ground, lit with a lighter. "Boom" to a cry, it also flew to the dark blue sky. It is like a beautiful red peony, sometimes like a beautiful rhubarb, sometimes like a touching violet.

  "Firecrackers in the sound of one year old", the new year has passed. I love to put fireworks, but also love the beautiful Spring Festival.






  New year, friends are put on new clothes off the old clothes. In the days of hope, the new year finally arrived, people began to busy up. Buy a small fireworks out of the small business out of business; buy candy dessert out to do business; buy blessing couplet also came out to do business. We have to take the streets to purchase New Year's Eve, a street boiling scene.

  This night, is not there will be a few families to put fireworks on the day to go; sometimes there are a few naughty children to join in the fun, holding a small firecrackers, to the ground to throw, but also the earth was bitter Stripped. All the families of the lights to open, and some people watching TV, and some people eat reunion dinner; I and my parents talk about jokes, talk about the story, watching TV, my mind suddenly emerge out An ancient poem: firecrackers in addition to the sound of a spring, warm spring into the Tu Su. Thousands of households on the day, always the old peach for the old character.

  In the bustling firecrackers, sent away the unforgettable old years; warm spring breeze, to the smiling people sent a new year. We are one year old. Every household to open doors and windows, so that the atmosphere of New Year's Day into the room. In this sound of firecrackers, I was one year old, I should be more sensible, my mother and father in my body under so much effort, I want to study hard, never live up to my father and mother to my expectations. I will be good to read my father and mother to pay attention to my care and expectations of me. I wish you all a Happy New Year!

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