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  The earth is our mother, is our survival homes. With the improvement of living standards, while in the enjoyment of human beings, but unconsciously to destroy her, our survival environment worsening.


  Usually nothing, we have a piece of chewing gum, after spitting on the ground, chewing gum stuck on the ground, sanitation workers with a shovel to get rid of it, but also pollute the land of chewing gum. We often when shopping, use small plastic bags, plastic bags, but I do not know is after the fire will create a toxic gas, landfill is not easy to degradation, will lead the land was destroyed, Chinese population so much, one can imagine how many plastic bags pollute our environment.


  A person's action is just like a lamp, lit the lamp when all their own, the whole world will be bright! Let's do it! Do not eat chewing gum; don't use plastic bags instead of disposable chopsticks... Protecting the environment is everyone's responsibility! Let our earth more beautiful!

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