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20xx全国卷高考英语作文素材1卷1:The Influence From Yao Ming

  Yao Ming, the name won’t be forgotten by the world, though he is retired. Now Yao has opened the new chapter of his life, he has a happy family, his retired life is fulfilling. Yao Ming is thought to be China’s miracle, he plays basketball so well and influents the word. Though he stops his basketball career, his influence is going on.


  One the one hand, Yao Ming makes the world know more about China. Since Yao Ming joined NBA, he stood for China. As NBA caught the world’s attention, the media was so curious about this tall guy. Yao was the first Chinese basketball player to catch so many people’s attention. Because of his great success, people wanted to know China.


  On the other hand, Yao’s successful career inspires Chinese teenagers to pursue their dreams. Before Yao, less teenagers would treat the basketball career as the future career choice, because basketball was not popular in China. But now, Yao inspires the teenagers, he proves that playing basketball can be successful.


  There is no doubt that Yao Ming is a great person, he influents both China and the world.


20xx全国卷高考英语作文素材1卷2:My Faith

  Faith is very important. Everybody needs faith because faith is just like the light, leading people to move on when they are in the dark. My faith is never give up and the hard time will go anyway. It helps me overcome many difficulties and makes me who I am today.


  Life is not always going our way. We will meet all kinds of difficulties. When we are students, we have the study issues, we always want to do the best and make our parents be proud of us. But it is not easy, we may fail the exam now and then. When we become independent, we have to face the problem of making our living. Most people will change their jobs many times until they find the suitable one.


  I had faith when I was in high school, I realize no matter how hard I work, I just could not be successful all the time. So I told myself not to give up and I would see the light soon. Thanks to this faith, I become a tough girl. I am so proud of myself.

  在高中的时候,我就有信念, 我意识到无论我多么努力学习,都不可能一直成功。因此我告诉自己不要放弃,很快就能看到胜利之光。多亏了这样的信念,我成为了一个坚强的女孩。我为自己感到自豪。

20xx全国卷高考英语作文素材1卷3:How to Be Happy?

  When I do well in the exam, I will show my paper to my parents, they are so happy to see me do well in the exam. I want to be happy all the time. But I have put so much pressure on myself. One day, my parents tell me that they don’t care how I do well in the exam, they just want me to be happy. I know I should relax myself and be happy.


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