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  On September 21, this pavilion garden football field, a grand banquet started, the Mid-Autumn evening party. Though with civilization as the theme, the audience can see carefully in order to reduce the carbon dioxide of small details.

  In the beautiful booth, beautiful flowers is essential. A look at carefully, the flowers on the table is all stockings flower, can be used again and again; In into the point, the moon cake on the table is waste newspapers, old cartons and other waste items, made of very fine and delicate is hard to see how old, is not a sign to remind, I really thought it was delicious cakes!

  When we are not far away, in a low carbon life step into the pavilion garden of jardine matheson center and yue xiu yuan, can be found that there are a lot of low carbon in the cabinet. See, the window is what! A small green grass, wrong! Wrong! Is a piece of foam, huh? Is a bubble? Bubble, bubble white how so beautiful? Original ah, this residents waste foam clean, dry, actually the paste with green paint, brush gently on the bubble, the pit digging a hole to fill, again before it did not work to put on a few drops of leaf, plant some beautiful silk socks, a small green grass is ready! Put it on the windowsill, particularly good-looking.

  Low carbon life is all around us, is serious about life, bit by bit every bit of resources, the life will be better for your attention and taken seriously!


  My hometown is in xinmi, environment pollution is very serious. Garbage can't say more. Screen peak shopping mall, in particular, is the battlefield of garbage and human.

  I came to the screen peak market, it has become the garbage around the world. Clearly several bins, people also to throw garbage elsewhere, some fruit peel and confetti and outside the garbage can. They are outside, rather than into it. Flower pool, highway fine some where there should be no waste, often love is rubbish. So, as long as there is a piece of garbage on the ground, a group of garbage will be tracking and come, so there will be a "health dead Angle". If you arrive baz环保英语作文9年级r screen peak, will smell pungent smell. Can see such a scene: somebody walk while eating snacks, finished plate with a throw, and went away; Some people love "clean", don't want to smell the bad smell, carelessly threw garbage into the dustbin, he threw or not in to no longer see; There are some children defecate indiscriminately, makes me sick is that there is an adult is shit. I thought: this also too not civilization, it is violate the rights of our new ones. I was just about to come forward to stop, but, for me it is only the nose, I'm still not to stop.

  I think: we do so is not civilized, don't respect other people's work achievement. So, I'm going to take to prevent several people littering. Several uncle eat eggs, in a finished throw the garbage, I rushed past, with crisp naive children's uncle said: "uncle, said the teacher, can't litter." I said, and will they throw away the garbage pick up and drop into the bin. Blush with shame, they said: "thank you, kid, we'll keep that in mind."

  In the afternoon, I stopped a lot of people to throw rubbish, was so happy in my heart. Nature has a pair of magic hands, send us a lot of gifts. We don't have the resolve to return favors, is going to destroy the nature?


  Low-carbon living is actually very simple, as long as we don't waste, it can save some energy, nature of assets, do a good thing for the earth.

  I will give you say a few things: I remember in the summer, the weather re like steamed furnace, feeling straight blaze on the earth, I hide in the home, my father and mother open the air conditioning, after a while, father transferred to 26 degrees Celsius, the temperature I said: "dad, turn off the air conditioner, fan fan also pretty cool to below." Dad said: "you are a know how to save the boy." So, our house is close to the energy saving and low carbon life, I'm saving energy for the nature. Another time, dad is cooking I walked over a look, ah, dad, when cooking, almost "jumped" to pan fire! I said to my father: "daddy, you fire open too big, congress give oil to ignite again." "What you said is right, that fuel efficient, without the oil ignition." Dad said, and hurriedly turn down the gas burner flame. One more thing, I saw my father got up and began to say to my father: "dad, today we go outside eat breakfast is good." Dad said to me: "good, then we go to drive or walk today?" I said: "that we can't go to, because it can see the river scenery, can exercise the body, more important is that don't put the air pollution." Father nodded smile said: "really sensible son!" With the economic development of the world, a large number of population increase, the climate is more and more serious in recent years, more and more carbon dioxide emissions, the earth's ozone layer suffered an unprecedented pollution, the world's environment has serious harm to human health and safety, so, we need to protect the global environment.

  Low-carbon living is a kind of attitude, not ability, we should from saving electricity, water, carbon, saving, solar terms, this kind of small, low carbon life is we want to establish a green way of life, as long as we act, can close to low carbon life, even can achieve low carbon standards of living.

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