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  In addition to tension, enrich the study life, I also have a relaxed, enjoyable holiday. The rich content, enriched my life, as well as childish students career added a few minutes of fun and carefree.

  At one's go for a walk after dinner is my daily required course. Stroll near the village of flowers and plants, breathing the fresh air, and the bird companion, to enjoy a rich rose, lily of the noble and pure, strange flowers, dinner and beautiful magnolia, canna's brilliant, I will gently said to myself: "life is beautiful." I use the sincere feeling around colorful, with enthusiasm to appreciate the very beautiful flowers around us. I spontaneously from the heart: "I, belong to nature!"

  More to the book, I will plunge into the ocean, breathing the smell of the fragrance of bookstores, libraries specific, experience the fun of walking books. Into the ocean of history, qin shi huang burying Confucian behavior and anger, would I be for farewell my sad tears, for the various ge is bright "teacher heel dead" untimely. Stroll the palace of literature, I gradually realize the treasure chai helpless, dai jade talent, experience of Mary's stubbornness, colin weak, experience of the early morning rain listen "yu, qian zhongshu's" fortress besieged "...

  My summer vacation life, is a poem, a green leaf, a song...





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