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  Since the development of the technology, the society gets modernized, people make use of the high technology to pursue more profit. Though the government has noticed the problem that people do to the environment, they still can’t prevent negative result that the polluted environment brings.


  Many years ago, the most prominent problem of the polluted environment is that the river and the water were changed their color, some fish even died for the polluted river. Now the situation becomes ever worse, lately, in the big city, like Beijing and Shanghai, people are annoyed by the bad weather. It is not the rainy day, but the haze around the sky, there is no way for people to run away for it. The haze contains toxic elements, people breathe it and hurt their bodies.


  The haze problem is the result of people’s pursuit for the profit, what people did to the environment now has been paid back by the environment. Now people have realized the revenge from the nature is so huge, protecting the environment is the main task. No matter how bad the environment is, people still need to do something to fix their mistake.



  At this moment in time, no pollution has received more abuse than PM2.5 which refers to particles with diameter less than 2.5 pm and can easily penetrate the membrane of lung cell. These tiny particles are doomed to cause serious damage to our health. With time going by, there’s no denying that our pollution around us is on a rapid rise from last decade. So how can we restrict the emission and reduce the PM2.5 index?


  Attitudes towards this issue vary from person to person. There’s a part of our citizens who always go into raptures at the mere mention of authoritative restriction and punishment. They tend to live under the illusion that more severe punishment will certainly exert more positive effect.


  From my perspective, what they fail to take into consideration is the basic fact that punishment is only a small part of the measures .Assuming that if the company can bring in more money by emitting arbitrarily, they’ll do that consecutively, regardless of fine.


  As far as I’m concerned, regulations and restrictions ought to be integrated with instruction of improving technology and constitution of economy. Only with much advanced technology and rational construction of economy can we solve the pollution problems in the essence. At the same time, it’s necessary for us to plant more trees to enhance our environment.


  It’s almost conspicuous that we are going to live with and fight against PM2.5 in the foreseeable future .We surely have a long way to go , so let’s maintain our confidence ,fortitude and perseverance. And we will conquer PM2.5 in the end.


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