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  My family is a family of four: father, mother, me and my 8-year-old brother.

  My family is peaceful. As you know, war and peace are the two main themes of the world. In our house, peace is the theme. Why? If dad and mom are two packs of dynamite, the mother's fuse is too short and easy to guide, and the father's guide is too long to lead. It's hard to have two people living together, one after another.

  My family is democratic. I was 10 years old and I was a little adult in the eyes of my mom and dad, and I had to ask for my advice at home. Although my advice is often not adopted by naivety, I also feel the pleasure of being respected. At home, I will call you from time to time to open a meeting "criticism and self-criticism", each other to find their own shortcomings and strengths, to correct them, bad thing to be sure. My father said it was to eliminate the "generation gap" between me and me, and let me grow up transparent.

  My family is happy. At home, I was away from a child playing the "pedagogue" of repression and panic. Dad, mom to my education can be called "appreciate education", "you are a good kid" is their catchphrase. Everything I do is encouraged and supported. Even if there is a mistake, parents also just, calmly clearly explained to me, let me in quiet reflection on yourself, never unprovoked abuse and criticism on me, I am very grateful in this respect parents to my self-esteem.

  I am growing up happily in a relaxed, warm atmosphere.


  There are five people in my family. There are grandpa, grandma, father, mother and I.

  Grandpa is an old teacher. He is retired now. Grandpa is retired, but grandpa sometimes

  I also wrote a diary, a composition. My grandfather thought that we would make a difference, and often taught us to be useful people.

  Grandma is a farmer, grandma usually hurts me most, knead in my hands afraid I lose, contain in my mouth afraid I to break down.

  Father is a teacher, father is very strict with me, dad must be perfect, I was all want me to learn, I was also want to learn, but is learn not go in. I also admire my father, and I often mention my father in many of my compositions. I think my father is the greatest father in the world.

  My mother is a farmer. Mom can do a lot of things, such as planting ground, making clothes and doing housework. My mother is busy from morning till night. My mother is the hardest.

  Me? I am a naughty little girl, I sometimes very gentle, sometimes very naughty, if someone came to my house, I very obedient, very polite, if no one, I will give the high mountain, is very naughty, very naughty. I live in a happy family, father and grandfather two teachers in coaching lessons for me, a pain in my grandmother, mother to take care of me in the first, I can not happy?

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