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初二英语作文my dream


初二英语作文my dream

  梦想是一种挥之不去的感觉、挥之不去的潜意识,是深藏在人们心灵深处最强烈的渴望。如何写一篇我的梦想的英语作文呢?下面是第一范文网小编给大家整理的初二英语作文my dream,供你参考!

初二英语作文my dream篇1

  I am a introverted girl in particular, never raise your hand to answer questions in class, after class I never chat with classmates. But the teacher didn't give up me, but encouraged me, in class even if I don't raise your hand, teacher also called me. I got up and stood without saying a word, terminal is not way to ah! After the teacher's training, my courage is big, the class can answer this question, my teacher and I were very happy.

  Up to now, I can already speak up in class, also can play with my classmates in class and play each other, really happy.

  The teacher of our love is like the gentle spring rain, moisten my young mind. The teacher is the most beautiful in my heart, so, I adore teacher, envy the teacher. The teacher do every thing for us to make an example, the education of millions like us ignorant child.

  Teacher, my goal in life, I would like to target to strive, to struggle.

初二英语作文my dream篇2

  In adolescence, we must in our little heart, hidden in a beautiful dream. Dream oneself grow up when the boss, his later when the white-collar, dream themselves into a rich man. But my dream is not the case, I only want to test a good university, for their own learning career draw a satisfactory full stop.

  So now I want to study well. I believe I can be like "ugly duckling" could eventually achieve their ideal, because I just keep pursuit, to test a good university, get a good degree of goal struggle, believe that the desire of the remote that will waved to me. Someone asked me: "are you to achieve your ideal road, will encounter many difficulties and obstacles, how do you deal with? When in trouble, you are back or forward?" I reluctantly said to him: "I don't look back! Life which without difficulty, there is nothing can not pass the volcanoes, even if we are in adversity, as long as we insist, try hard to overcome, in the heart of the dream will be true!"

初二英语作文my dream篇3

  Life is like a kaleidoscope, colorful. The occupation has a variety of nature, life, one thousand any profession. Everyone has their own ideal career, including me, my ideal career is to be a great cook.

  Cook is an important career. As the saying goes, "saying" claims. Any one food, cannot leave their survival depends on. A normal person, you may be a few days not to talk, a few days can not get to the Internet, a few days can not work, also can not read a book a few days, but you don't eat absolutely impossible for a few days. As the saying goes: "man is iron, the meal is steel, a meal is not to eat so hungry panic". Besides Chinese people attach great importance to eat, especially rich culture, rich Chinese pay more attention to eat, today went into the streets, everywhere is big hotel, small restaurant, fast food is more. If not we these chef, which has so much coveted delicacy and let a person can eat dish? Laborers work so hard, the first to feed their own "temple", only on the basis of solving the problem of eating, to create more material civilization and spiritual civilization, to the pursuit of a well-off life, to the pursuit of higher realm of life. Don't you can deny the fact? Unless you are a robot or an alien.

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