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my friend初中英语作文带翻译


my friend初中英语作文带翻译

  朋友带给我们莫大宽慰,那么你的朋友是怎样的呢?下面小编精心整理了my friend的英语作文,供大家参考,希望你们喜欢!

my friend的英语作文1

  Since I move to the new city, I feel lonely all the time. I have to stay away from my best friends, but I don’t want to. I need to get used to the new environment soon. There is a boy who lives next to me. He is funny and tries to make me laugh. Soon he becomes my friend and I like him a lot.


my friend的英语作文2

  Last year, I went to Guilin for travel. On the train, I felt so bored. A girl who sat next to me was reading a book, which caught my attention. I asked her about the book, I found that I had read it before and then we discussed about the novel. We talked happily, when the train arrived, we got off together. When we got aparted, we promised to keep in touch. We communicated by the computer. Now a year has passed, we become good friends and I miss her all the time. She is a genuine friend. I plan to go to Guilin again and then we will meet.


my friend的英语作文3

  What's friends? Do you have friends? I have many friends, so I always feel happy. In the morning, some of my friends will go to school with me. We often talk and laugh on the way to school. Sometimes we will stop to buy some snacks, school things and other stuff. When I am in school, I always study with friends. When I have something confusion, I will ask them to help. So do they. We help each other. After class, we play together, and go to the shop to buy snacks. They accompany me, so do I. I think this is friends.


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