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  The campus of June and July is always filled with warm and sad parting breath, accompany you to spend the good time of the campus, always be worth people to miss.

  With the atmosphere of tension, students in high school are waiting for a countdown, ready to enter the second breakthrough of life. The high school students are eager to advance, lest they should fall behind others.

  Three years ago, you were preparing for the college entrance exam, and embarking on this promising high school with childish ideas. Now facing the upcoming college entrance examination, the high school students are ready for the college entrance examination, and it is also a turning point in the road of life, once again testing themselves. Look for the future with a heart of anxiety! Yes, people tend to become mature and rational after their experiences. In this parting season, suddenly I feel a lot of...

  In the face of the departure of senior three, I was suddenly overwhelmed, and their departure meant that I was about to enter the high school. I was not ready to accept the unexpected fact. In the past year of high school, I have changed a lot, is myself? Is the environment? Is time? I don't know. Today, I am not what I want to see. There is a big gap between the total feeling and others. It is no longer me.

  Some things I do not dare to face, facing the learning of ignorance, facing the teacher's careful teaching, facing parents I feel guilty. My ignorance, my inner guilt, will be how much pressure I have when I go to high school.

  I do not know do you have this feeling, in our school, not to learning as the center of the growing environment, we should all learn reverse, can oneself to grasp, to dominate, to run. No one can help you, you can run, you can fall back, but you are the most reliable.


  When we got to class, we met our teachers and classmates. The teacher is telling a joke, joking, I think: the teacher is intentionally let us relaxed the mood. At last two o 'clock came, and mother and other parents came in.

  At this time, my foreign teacher gave a welcome speech. The teacher mysteriously produced a graduation list. At this time, my heart seems to be carrying a little rabbit, because that is the time for my achievement recognition. My mood is very complicated, I pray not to squat. At this time, one of the classmates got the graduation list in the teacher's handshake and applause, the teacher was smiling in the words "thank you", when I suddenly heard "gabby", wow, this is not to call me! I stare blankly for a moment, immediately ran to the front of the teacher, the teacher put out his left hand, my right hand, put out our two hands tightly hold together, the teacher said in English: "congratulations," I said to the teacher "thank you", the teacher nodded and smiled with satisfaction, I also smiled. I walked up to my mom with my graduation list and mom said "congratulations".

  On my way home, I silently made up my mind that C4 should keep up with the new achievements.

  My mother and I came to school


  The years with the wind, three years of high school life in the blink of an eye will be gone, together with the three spring and autumn friends will also be with the light of helplessness and sorrow separation. At this moment, in my heart, there is a kind of coffee flavor, it is memorable.

  Three years, the wind and rain life three years, three years in a hurry! Friend, do you remember the story we used to be together? Remember the beautiful pieces of our old life together? In class, there is a heated debate, the hip hop in the dormitory, the movement of the playground, the birthday party's warm blessing, the outgoing outing laughter... The scene, the joyful past, the more than 1000 shining days, but the most moving music of our lives! How close our young hearts are.

  All say life is a long river. In the boundless human sea, we come together, you say, is this not a kind of fate? Isn't this a kind of unreserved beauty that god has given us? Unfortunately, we are about to graduate. The bell of departure has been ringing in our ears. At this moment, our hearts will not be unavoidably a kind of emotion that says not to clean up and disorderly, xu is heavy xu is calm. Because we are young, after all, we are all young people. Three years of friendship! Three years of master's unforgettable!

  Life is priceless, youth without regret. Although the day of our relationship and intimacy has passed. In the years after other, you have your pursuit, I also have my struggle. Although we are separated from each other, we have known each other, we have lived together, we have lived together. And all of this has remained in our hearts, the memories that will never be forgotten in the lives of everyone, and give everyone the touch and the warmth, the sweetness and the inspiration! In the days after leaving, we will still have some missing memories. In the world, what could be more exciting and exciting than someone? With this, even if we are separated, what regret do we have?

  Farewell, my friend. Please don't hurt yourself. Just smile. With a smile, look around the world, the sky is always more than rainy days. Life is often just like this, the happy companion powder worry, the frustration is attached to hope, the courage to pursue, to fight, the future to call to us!

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