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  Seven village of northern sh高中英语作文我的家乡三篇nxi in our country, there are thousands of willow, cypress, locust tree... Hundreds of miles, a joint is like the sea of green.

  Spring, pulled out a small bud, pale green trees look east, the west looked at, the snow melted in the mountains, water stream, stream gurgling. Stream up full of water.

  In the summer, the trees like in a race, a faster than a long, lush foliage forest of sealing up, blocking the line of sight of people, covered the blue sky. In the morning, the mist rose from the valley came in, the whole village in the milky mist.

  Autumn, willow and locust tree leaves turn yellow, pine grandfather also in its green robes, appear more green. The autumn wind blowing, leaves dancing in the woods.

  Winter, snow flying in the air. A tree full of white snow. The thick snow on the ground, loose and soft. The grass covered with beautiful quilt welcome new winter, the earth with a silver. Small animals in the warm hole for the winter.

  Seven village scenery attractive all the year round, is a beautiful big garden, is also a great treasure.


  The view of the hometown all the year round is charming. Spring is green, summer is a colorful, autumn is golden, winter is white.

  Spring grass germination, all things recovery, small animals raised up, trees and flowers start a new life. Your uncle farmers begin to plow, the swallow flew back from the south. Ah! The sky is so blue, the grass is so green. The river is so clear, seemed to be able to see the fish in the river in the play. Summer flowers flowers, beautiful. Bee in busy, hard to fly. Butterflies are flying, like a flower on the fly.

  In autumn, the farmer uncle harvest, wheat shining golden light. This is aunts busy to go to the forest pick the fresh mushroom and fungus. Be in a hurry busy with golden autumn. Left a lot of harvest fruit!

  White winter came, the children make a snowman in the snow, snowball fights. In the snow, like the earth covered with a thick layers of white quilt. I love the hometown of the scenery, love hometown more picturesque four seasons!


  My hometown is beautiful, beautiful.

  Spring, hits the flower blossomed, waves scent waft at home next, as long as one can smell the sweet osmanthus fragrance outside the home. Osmanthus tea can also do, in a tree, a flower and it a pick, drying in the hot weather for a few days to put it on the bottle with the five or six months, can make tea.

  Summer, lotus leaf in the river is long, the flowers are red petals, there is something like a bowl, bowl stood out, can eat small circle circle.

  Autumn, a fruit tree fruit of a tree, is orange, orange... The oranges are big and yellow, and also very sweet, the orange is as delicious as beautiful

  The most beautiful is the winter, snow sky, at noon, friends make a snowman, snowball fights on the ground, and so on.

  You see, this is my beautiful hometown.

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