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  Summer vacation is coming, mom and dad, of course not miss this chance, so he give me a quote for a class, can't, since the newspaper, on it for you.

  Time day by day in the past, I was in class is a long time, during this time, I performance is good, the teacher is very like me, the last time because back English lessons at home, forget to put the book into the bag, as a result of the left my book at home. See I didn't take the book when the teacher in class, he said to me: "you didn't take a book today?" I nodded, said: "to recite the text yesterday evening at home, left my book at home." The teacher took to say: "all right, and your deskmate reading a."

  My in the mind secretly with xi, the original good student is a "privilege".

  But it is the "preferential treatment", I made a serious mistake.

  Returned home that afternoon, he forgot to have his physics teacher the assignment, thought have no homework, just playing with it in the home, wait for to go to sleep at night, only to think of it, but I was stuck on, then just thought up and again tomorrow morning.

  However, it is late, my mind suddenly an idea, the homework at home. I not proud of their own ingenuity. But I am wrong


  A: the beginning of the holiday

  Put the summer holiday, on the first day of the holiday I want to release your feelings well. But this is my independently, feeling is your own, and I don't care what they think others to me, this is the real me. For most people the holiday is pleasant, it is a symbol of freedom. For me, now the beginning of the holiday + exam difference = the starting point of pain. Very clear, exam, summer vacation ended.

  In test scores, holiday is approaching, my mother gave me a holiday terrorist planning: 6:00 am to exercise, and then listening to English tapes, listening is to have a meal, and then do the homework done (teacher's parents), must go to bed before 10:00 in the evening. But fortunately, not the head hang beam, the awl stab, because there is no the condition: the head hang beam (home has a head no beam), the awl stab (home with no cone). The above a few demands in my ability can do a few?

  Another is the exam, games of 88. Oh! My "QQ free fantasy", very not easy to level 67, an uninstall all gone. I can't help but want to sing a song: every day without you, I want to find yourself, wanted to sprint to level 70, you leave me like this... Alas! The unloaded, regret is late, want to game, regret, forget everything, be yourself. To tell the truth, sometimes comfort themselves pretty good also.


  Today is the fifth day of the National Day holiday, the distance of school is at hand.

  During the vacation, I have made a lot of harvest. Than those who did not make full use of the holidays, but the flow rate after scribbling the teacher assigned homework, scribble with the rest so much of your precious time to travel, wasted time, these days I have, I use these days to make up for the well of course, for example, such as history, biology, did some exercise books, consolidated the knowledge learnt these days; Make my holiday is rich and colorful.

  Can make full use of time, it is very meaningful. Is not a waste of time, and can feel the fun of learning, can make you very happy. Lu xun once said: "time is like the water in sponge, don't you go to crowded, will never come out." Yes, those who complain that have no time to read at ordinary times, do what you love classmate, during the holidays can not give full play to their own special skill? So, vacation time is very precious, also provide us with the joy of learning, make us midway stations, hold good, will have a lot of help in learning.

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