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高中英语作文my family


高中英语作文my family


我的家庭 My Family

  My name is Li Hua. I am from a worker's family. There are six people in my family. They are mygrandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I.

  Every member in my family works for his or her own trade. My grandfather and grandmother are peasants. They do farm work every day in my hometown. My father is a senior engineer. He is now working in Africa, helping to build a power station. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English in a middle school. My sister, five years older than I, is a doctor in the People's Hospital of our county. She loves her work and does it well. I am a middle school student. And I am going to take this year's college entrance examination. I wish that I could be enrolled by a famous university.



  That is my family. All the members in my family live in harmony. We love each other devotedly.


我的家庭成员My Family Members

  I am student of Southwest Weiyu Middle School. I am in Class Two Grade Six. I'm a girl. I'm twelve years old. I'm tall and thin. I like to sing and dance. I can sing POP music very well. I like to eat meat, because I think it's very delicious. I' good at English, because I like it very much. I like to write a composition and I like to read many nice books. I think it's good for me. I like drawing, but I can't draw very well. I like cats very much, but I can't have them, because my mother doesn't like them, she thinks they're very dirty. I want to travel around the world, but I haven't enough money. But I'm happy, because I have many friends and a happy family.

  My mother is a shop assistant. She's thirty-six years old. She's tall and thin too. She's pretty. Her hair is short and straight. She likes to sing and she likes Zhang Xueyou's songs and English songs. She likes to eat crabs. She always goes shopping with me. She's good at Maths. When I have problems with Maths she will help me. I like my mother very much.

  My father is a manager. He's forty-six years old. But he looks like very young and handsome. He always goes to park with me. He likes to smoke. But I think smoke is bad for himself. He likes English songs. He's good at Chinese. He sometimes helps me to write a composition. My father likes pets very much. I like my father very much.




我爱我家 I Love My Family

  Here is a photo of my family. These are four people in my family. They are my father,my mother, my brother and I.

  My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital far away. He goes to work by subway. Mymother is a teacher. She works in a school near my home. She goes to work by bike. After work, they like reading books. Who is the tall boy? He is my brother. He is five years older than me. He is a singer. He’s now in Beijing. He goes there by plane. I love my family.


  我的爸爸是一位医生,他在一家很远的医院工作,他坐地铁去上班。我妈妈是一名教师,她在我家附近的一所学校工作,她骑自行车上班。下班后,他们喜欢看书。高个子的男孩是谁呢? 他是我哥哥,比我大五岁,他是个歌手,现在北京,他坐飞机去北京。我爱我的家人。

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