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  My name is , eight and a half years old this year, in the guangdong province shenzhen baoan district bright experimental school class three (4) to read. I'm not tall and not short, a little fat, a pair of bright eyes, especially to god.

  I'm good at English and Chinese, I also like watching story books, especially the nice story, I will see it.

  My advantage is that soon will finish the homework at school, and done well.

  My disadvantage is that the exam is very careless, do not check. In "sloppy" accompany my days, I suffer, because of it, I have lost a lot of hundred, forgetful, also made many jokes. Take English final exam, for instance, original English on May 100, but I am careless, the center (centre) as the center.

  I now is trying to correct these problems, you can make friends with me?







  My is not tall, thin. A head of black hair, thick eyebrows below, inlaid with watery eyes. I especially love the colorful sweater, and shoes.

  I like painting, especially the picturesque scenery of the painting. The adults also kua I have painting cells! I listened to the grown-ups, flattered.

  My weakness is that careless. To solve the problem. Take the mid-term exam in 20xx, for instance, there are a lot of new words I write wrong. The exam is not ideal. Now I have been in the effort to correct these shortcomings.

  I have been in the fight for be honest students with love, hard up.






  Proud I am proud, I am 9 years old, and I had a pair of folds, embellish hair black, I have a pointed nose, and my long fat, long also very strong, everyone said that my skin is as white as milk, and I have a frame, I grow thick lips, quiet demeanor, I am tall, my height is 1 meter, 54, someone said I like my mom dad.

  My hobby is watching TV, I came back home from school, finish the homework just went to watch TV, my home a lot of television channels, I is what all like to watch TV, what drama, what, fight and I like to watch cartoons, sometimes is a look at two or three hours, see I what all don't like to do, see I have become fascinated, mother sometimes call me a couch potato, if dad want to watch TV, I again want to see the cartoon I would grab with dad to see, so my home computer can also watch TV, now I watch cartoons in the outside, father inside to watch the news, kill two birds with one stone, mother said to buy a TV, I'm happy, happy as if to hit the ceiling.



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