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  A friend is indispensable to life. He will help you when you are in need of help, when you need to understand to understand you; When you need comfort comfort you...

  Sometimes I think a real friend just have trouble with each other to help each other; When you don't have my stationery to lend you a pen, a piece of paper, read a book with you... , in fact not the case. Since the onset of the one thing I didn't know she is my best friend. She long not fat or thin, he is a little tall, she is very cheerful, is a kind of little girl, she is a year to get along with my deskmate -- Du Xueqing.

  Remember once, the math teacher sent us a comprehensive mathematics examination paper, paper hair down, I like a hungry Wolf was feeding quickly "vies to answer first. A problem suddenly stood in my way, I brood, how also can't think, I think both of us are good friends, she will borrow my notes, I will gently move the bench into her move over there, secretly glanced at, she has to write the answer GongGongZhengZheng papers. And I took one look at the math teacher, she is batch job to us! Ha ha, I'm qiao xi. So I used my arm gently touched Du Xueqing, I wrote a note to her again, but she didn't even look at, it threw the note to me, also ruthlessly stare at me, her own answer.

  I was very angry, also gave her a hard stare, literally write an answer to go on to do some of the questions below.

  After school, I strode along, holding her far behind, can sit at the same table trot caught up with me, come to my house for my topic, until I've learned so far.

  Looking at her hurriedly ran home, I was moved to tears. I know she is my true friend!








  I have a friend, her name is xu yi qiye, she combs her neat ear hair, with big eyes, like two bright black pearl inlaid in the round face, showing a pair of clever. Have a small nose under the eyes, nose and a small cherry mouth below, often up some funny sentences.

  Her most like to look at the books, reading every time you will see the point of sleepless nights. On one occasion, I class time for her to play, lost in found that she was reading a book, I called her a few consecutive, she didn't respond. So I walked to the front of her, she remained unmoved. I cannot bear to disturb her, only to find other students to play.

  She has a lot of advantages, versatile, listen to the teacher in class very seriously. There is a language lesson, I inadvertently found that the students want to talk with her, beside her but just saw his one eye, make processing of and then continue to listen to the teacher, the classmate see she ignored him and listening to the teacher only better too. I said she is versatile, because I remember once the art class, a picture of her is very good, bright color, outline clear, was an art teacher get a platform to show the whole class. When you see this picture, could not help but exclaimed: "wow". She wrote an hour.than play games is very good also, remember that not long ago, which make our class a few an hour.than play games good teacher to write a piece of an hour.than play games, when I put my an hour.than play games make the platform, found that xu processing has been made, I probably looked a few eye, found her write the word is very good, beautiful and clean, let a person feel a kind pure and fresh.

  My side to have such a versatile, study hard, serious friend, how can I not be proud of!






  I have a good friend, he is our class Wang Shengfei. He is a very brave boy, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, with a glib mouth. Although some tongue, but speaks English but he croaked, we called "little diplomat." His eloquence is very good, always speak correctly, but also humorous, often makes us laugh.

  Once we are on the composition, the topic is " readme" requirements with his own breath, make you of the language, action and character of all kinds of stationery owners. The teacher let ourselves think for a moment, then said: "who is to express your own ideas." Hands at this time no one in the class, and only Wang Shengfei raised his hand and looked at his confident appearance, the teacher asked him to speak happily. He cleared his throat first, then poses ground to say: "I said is trash readme." A listen to is the subject, students can not help but burst into laugh. Wang Shengfei unhurried, calm voice said: "please be quiet! Listen to me!" He continued to speak: "hi! I'm a trash can, perfect body is there is no place clean... very excited, he said, as if he really into the trash can. He told me he was elated, depressed, and at the same time also with his own action! He's the a speech made us laugh, some striking table, some students tried stamping... but he spoke of benefit to us. Later, the teacher asked us to write, we seem to be suddenly enlightened thinking, such as writing. Everyone wrote wonderful good article.

  You said, my this friend is brilliant!




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