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  Sport Competition


  It was a sunnyday. We went out to watch a sport meeting. Six students from our class were in the girl's relay race and won it. Lin Feialso won the girls' 50-metre race. We were all happy and said congratulations to her. We were very happy.




  The Benefits Of Exercise Maybe some people don`t know what good movement。 Exercising is a good lifestyle in our lives。 Why do many people want to exercise every day ? Because they think it`s good for their body and it`s very interesting。Regular exercise can help us blood flow and help us keep in good health。If you exercise every day, your body will become very strong and health。 There are many exercise ways in our life。For example, you can run, take a walk, play badmintoon, basketball and 。。。。So,exercising is very important and interesting。

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