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小学生英语作文带翻译 my friend


小学生英语作文带翻译 my friend

  I have many friends, they each is very severe.

  My friend has trees, grass, flowers, fish, dog, cat, frogs, birds, the ants, the earthworm, cricket, bee... Trees can make me cool in the hot summer, the grass can let me every day can see green, flower can let I could smell fragrant breath every day, the little fish can wait me to learn tired to depict, the dog to play with me running, cat can give me scratching, frogs and birds would it be possible for me to evaluate who sings best, ants can tell me when it rains, earthworms can help me to flowers scarification, two cricket can let me see that only worse, can let me eat the fresh honey bees.

  My best friend is PeiYi Yang, he always come when I most lonely and helpless, both of us to help each other, solidarity and affection, what good things to share together.

  Good my good friend!





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